Saturday, 2 March 2013

Waheguruji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguruji ki Fateh!!

This blog is an attempt to connect all Sikhs to do all or any kind of sewa, As we are placed in Pune, Maharashtra (India). we shall start to start the same on our pilot project here.
The activities we shall have here:

  • Support and upliftment of the under privileged segment of the society.

This sewa needs more ground level workers than funds. We are basically targeting at the education of the children living in the slums. Currently we have more than 220 children studying under this program. Any person willing to do sewa under this segment are welcome.

  • Residential accommodation and placement support
Pune has being recognized as the 'Oxford of East' and has developed one of the leading IT and commercial hub. We understand the need of connectivity for our brothers and sisters coming here for their carriers and education. We shall make a attempt to get you equipped with residential accommodation, job assistance, education counselling and any other thing possible. We might not be masters of all of the above mentioned segments, but we shall try to connect you to the appropriate person or company.
  • Gurmat, Kirtan, Gurbani & Gatka.
We request all Sikhs to come together to learn Nitnem, Kirtan, Gurbani & Gatka. Let us understand what guru says 'Gur-mat' . Let us come together and share what we have and indulge in the essence of Gurbani. Pune sangat have Gatka classes every Sunday.
  • Sikhi Prachaar
Pune Sangat organises various programes like "Sikh Film Festival", 'Gurbani Kanth Competitions' Gurmat Camps and various such events. We request all of to be a part of these events either by participating or by being an audience.

Sewadar of Sikh Sangat.